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Economic planning and the growth problem in developing countries, Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 75, 115-135.

Based on presentation at a seminar in October 1960 at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo. Subsequent discussion in same issue pp 135-138.


Litt om desisjonsmodeller i regional planlegging [Some reflections on decision models in regional planning], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 15 No 8, 5-6.


Mixed linear and quadratic programming by the multiplex method, in Hegeland, H. (ed): Money, growth and methodology and other essays in economics, Lund, CWK Gleerup, 373-392.

Festschrift to Johan Åkerman.


Numerical determination of a quadratic preference function for use in macroeconomic programming, Giornale Degli Economisti e Annali di Economica, Vol 20, 3-43.


The Oslo Refi interflow table, Bulletin de L'institut International de Statistique, Paris, 33e Session, 1961, 1-12.

In co-operation with Hans Heli, Tore Johansen, H. J. A. Kreyberg, Per Schreiner, Jan Serck-Hanssen and Tore Thonstad. Pp 10-12 is an appendix presenting a list of 39 memoranda on the Oslo decision models.


Quadratic programming by the multiplex method in the general case where the quadratic form may be singular, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol 38, 283-332.


A reconsideration of Domar's theory of economic growth, Econometrica, Vol 29, No 3, 406-413.


Verdifaste låneformer [Indexed loan forms], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 75, 198-212.


Address delivered at the Britain-Commonwealth-EFTA Conference July 17, 1962, in Report of the conference: Britain should stay out, The Britain-Commonwealth-EFTA Conference, July 16-19, 1962, House of Commons, Westminster, London, S. W. I., The Forward Britain Movement, 102-107.


Innledning til produksjonsteorien, 9. utgave [Introduction to the theory of production, ninth edition], Oslo, UF, 252 pp.

The first printed version of Frisch's theory of production, followed by enhanced French, English and Italian translations issued as 1963c ,1965k and 1966e respectively.


Note generali sulla pianificazione, in Caffe, F. (ed): Economisti moderni, Milan, Geranzi Editore, 202-235.

Translation of 1960a.


La pianificazione economica ed il problema della crescita nei paesi in sviluppo, L'Industria, 1962, 5-?.

Italian translation of Frisch 1961a. An added note: M.Talamona: Note in margine al saggio di Ragnar Frisch, su alcuni problemi dellapianificazione, p 25.


Preface to the Oslo Channel Model - A survey of types of economic forecasting and programming, in Geary, R. C. (ed): Europe's Future in Figures, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 248-286.


Den sosialøkonomiske vitenskaps utvikling [The development of the economic science], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 16 No 8, 2-6.

Lecture delivered at Universitetets gamle festsal 28 September 1962 at the unveiling of a portrait of Professor Ragnar Frisch (painted by the artist Agnes Hiorth), a gift to the University of Oslo from Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn at Professor Frisch's 30th anniversary as Professor.


An implementation system for optimal national economic planning without detailed quantity fixation from a central authority, Extrait des Actes de la 3e conference internationale de recherche operationelle, Oslo 1963, Paris, London, Dunod and English Universities Press Ltd, 20-59.


Lois techniques et économiques de la production, Paris, Dunod, Finance et économie appliquée volume 14, 362 pp.

Translated from Norwegian by Marc Gilliard.


A multilateral trade clearing agency, Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 77, 1-10.

Prepared for the All Nations Trade and Economic Discussion Conference under the title "Towards a world economic conference", initiated by The Forward Britain Movement, held in London March 1963.


The nonplex method in its subconditional form. Main points of the theory, Economics of Planning, Vol 3, 221-238.

Assisted by Håvard Alstadheim.


Numerical determination of a quadratic preference function for use in macroeconomic programming, in Studies in honour of Gustavo del Vecchio, Padova, Cedam, 311-351.

A reprint of RF1961i.


Dynamic utility, Econometrica, Vol 32, No 3, 418-424

An analysis written after a lecture by Sir Roy Harrod at the University of Oslo 27 November 1962.


Economic planning and the role of econometrics, Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 78, 1-7.

Introductory remarks to a paper presented 10 October 1963 to a Study Week organized in the Vatican by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences


Die grundlegenden Züge des zwischenzweiglichen Modells "Oslo", in Förster, E., K. König, and G. Wintgen (eds): Mathematische Metoden in der Wirtschaft, Berlin, Verlag die Wirtschaft, 383-472

Translated from Russian by Birgitte Berthold, Erhard Förster, Heinz Geiáler, Karl König, Herbert Kluge, Wolfgang Salecker and Joachim Ulbricht. Original title of the book of readings (in Russian): Primeniye matematiki v ékonomicheskikh issledovanijakh.


A multilateral trade clearing agency, in On political economy and econometrics - Essays in honour of Oskar Lange, Warszawa, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 165-172.


Optimal skewness in international economic cooperation, Economics of Planning, Vol 4, 65-75.


Parametric solution and programming of the Hicksian model, in Essays on econometrics and planning - Presented to Professor P. C. Mahalanobis on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Oxford, London, New York, Paris,Frankfurt, Calcutta, Pergamon Press, 45-82.

Assisted by Ashok K. Parikh.


Planning for The United Arab Republic, L'Egypte Contemporaine, LVème annee, 5-17.

Public lecture delivered on 8 February 1964 in the Egyptian Society for Political Economy, Legislation and Statistics, at the invitation of Cairo University.


Utdrag av forelesninger i teoretisk statistikk. Fra kompendier av Ragnar Frisch og Trygve Haavelmo [Extract of lectures in theoretical statistics. From memoranda by Ragnar Frisch and Trygve Haavelmo, Oslo,Universitetsforlaget, 81 pp.


Monopol - Polypol - der Begriff der Kraft in der Wirtschaft, in Ott, Alfred Eugen (ed): Preistheorie, Köln, Berlin, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 17-32.

Originally issued in French as RF1933d; later in English translation as RF1951c. Translated from French to German by Alfred Eugen Ott.


Nyorientering av den økonomiske teori. Økonomikken som eksperimentalvitenskap [New orientation of economic theory. Economics as an experimental science] Sosialøkonomen, Vol 19 No 2, 2-7.

Reprint of Frisch 1932j.


Planning for the United Arab Republic, Economics of Planning, Vol 5, 29-42. Public lecture delivered on 8 February 1964 in the Egyptian Society for Political Economy, Legislation and Statistics, at the invitation of Cairo University.

Public lecture delivered on 8 February 1964 in the Egyptian Society for Political Economy, Legislation and Statistics, at the invitation of Cairo University. Cf. 1964g, probably identical.


Politikk i pakt med fremtiden [Politics in harmony with the future], A/L Orientering, Oslo, 87 pp.


Selection and implementation - The econometrics of the future, in Semaine d'Étude sur le Role de l'analyse econometrique dans la formulation de plans de developpement, Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarvm Scripta Varia - 28, Rome, 1197-1204.

A speech delivered as an introduction to a paper presented October 10 1963 in a study week organized in the Vatican by the Pontifical Academy of Science. Discussion after the presentation by M. Allais, R. Dorfman, T. C. Koopmans, P. C. Mahalanobis, F. Fisher, H. Wold, W. Leontief and H. Theil, pp 1205-1232. Cf. 1964b


Den sosialøkonomiske vitenskaps utvikling [The development of the science of economics], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 19 No 2, 56-61.

Reprint of RF1962h.


Theory of production, Dordrecht-Holland, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 370 pp.

Translated by R. I. Christophersen.

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