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Formulazione di un piano di sviluppo nazionale come problema di programmazione convessa (Il caso del piano indiano), L'Industria, 1956, 1-12.


Macroeconomics and linear programming, in 25 economic essays in honour of Erik Lindahl 21 November 1956, Ekonomisk Tidskrift, 1956, 38-67.

On the logarithmic potential method in linear programming.


Programme convexe et planification pour le développement national, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la recherche scientifique LXII, Les modèles dynamiques. Conférence à Paris mai 1955, Publiée 1956, 47-80.

On the logarithmic potential method in linear programming and the general problem of macroeconomic planning.


A rejoinder, Sankhyá: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol 17, 246-246.

See RF1955e.


La résolution des problèmes de programme linéaire par la méthode du potentiel logarithmique, in: Cahiers du Séminaire D'Économétrie: No 4 - Programme linéaire - Agrégation et nombres indices, 13 Quai Anatole-France Paris-7e, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1956, 7-23.

Published under the direction of Réné Roy, Membre de L'Institut, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées.


The multiplex method for linear programming, Sankhyá: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol 18, 329-362.


Om målsettingsformuleringen ved nasjonal planlegging [On the formulation of objectives in national planning] Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 95, 125-130.

Festschrift to Erik Lindahl.


Sur un problème d'économie pure, Metroeconomica, Vol 9, 79-111

A reissue of 1926h.


Aggregeringsproblemet fra produksjonsteoretisk synspunkt [The aggregation problem from the standpoint of the theory of production], in Milhøj, P. (ed): Festskrift til Frederik Zeuthen, Copenhagen, Nationaløkonomisk Forening, 91-106. Issued as an annex to Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 96, 1958.


Økonomikkens landevinninger i nyere tid [The progress of economics in recent time], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 72, 263-286.

Speech at the fiftieth anniversary of the first study program.


A complete scheme for computing all direct and cross demand elasticities in a model with many sectors, Econometrica, Vol 27, No 2, 177-196.


On the need for forecasting a multilateral balance of payments, in Allen, William R. and Clark Lee Allen (eds): Foreign trade and finance, New York, The Macmillan Company, 410-425.

An abbreviated reissue of RF1947e.


On welfare theory and Pareto regions, International Economic Papers, No 9, 39-92.

Originally presented as an appendix to RF1955b at the IARIN meeting in Castelgandolfo (near Rome), September 1953. The appendix was published in French translation as RF1954d.


The principle of recurrent planning, in Bergvall, J., E. Dahmén, O. Dahlen, G. Gerdner and B. Lundström (eds): Ekonomi Politik Samhälle, Stockholm, Bokförlaget Folk och Samhälle, 67-74.

Festschrift to Bertil Ohlin on his sixtieth anniversary, 23 April 1959.


Recept på investeringspolitik för stabil framstegstakt [Recipe for an investment policy for a steady rate of progress], Ekonomen, Vol 35, 6-13.


Generalities on planning, L'Industria, 1960, 1-23.


The infra effect of investments, in Bombach, G. (ed): Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft. Das Inflationsproblem, Tübingen, Verlag von J. C. B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 105-114.

Festschrift at the sixtieth anniversary of Erich Schneider.

Link to the book volume here


Market prices vs. factor costs and the constancy of production coefficients, in Pfouts, R. W.: Essays in economics and econometrics. A volume in honor of Harold Hotelling, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 191-215.


Maxima et minima. Théorie et applications économiques, Paris, Dunod, Finance et économie appliquée volume VIII, 178 pp.

In collaboration with A. Nataf; translated from Norwegian by M. Gilliard. Reissued in English translation as 1966f.


Oskar Jæger - Kåseri for sosialøkonomiske studenter 28. april 1960 [Oskar Jæger - Causerie to students in economics 28 April 1960], Sosialøkonomen,Vol 14 No 5, 17-19. A recording of the causerie is available here.






Planning for India: Selected explorations in methodology, Indian Statistical Series No. 8, Calcutta, Statistical Publishing Society, 86 pp.

Foreword by P. C. Mahalanobis, Indian Statistical Institute. The chapters by Ragnar Frisch are: ii: Preface; 1 Planning in underdeveloped economy; 2 Organization of information and the mathematical method; 3 Some applications: The experimental plan-frame no.1. Finally an appendix: A flow chart for automatic computation according to the multiplex method, based on the memorandum of 12 September 1958 from the University Institute of Economics and on the report F-375, March 1959, by Ole-Johan Dahl, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment.


Speed with safety through national planning, L'Egypte Contemporaine, Cairo, National Planning Committee, 1960, 5-43


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