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Erkjennelsesmåter og vurderinger [Cognitive inferences and value judgements], Stimulator, Vol 5 No 4, 5-9.


Krav til eksamensbesvarelser i økonomisk teori [Requirements of examination papers in economic theory], Stimulator, Vol 5 No 5, 7-10.


Monopoly - Polypoly - The concept of force in the economy, International Economic Papers, No 1, 23-36. Translated into English by W. Beckerman.

Originally published in French as RF1933d, and later in German as RF1965b and RF1968b.


Rasjonell økonomisk politikk [A rational economic policy], Kontakt, Vol 5 No 2, 30-38.


Some personal reminiscences on a great man, Econometrica, Vol 19, No 2,  87-91.

In memory of Joseph Schumpeter. See Frisch 1950f.


Frisch on Wicksell, in Spiegel, Henry William (ed): The development of economic thought. Great economists in perspective, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 652-699.


A note on Pierre Gorra's contribution on index numbers, Econometrica, Vol 20, No 4,  687-687.


Vitenskap og vurdering [Science and judgement], Stimulator, Vol 6 No 2, 5-7.


Kortsyntheten opphøyd til juridisk kriterium [The short-sightedness raised to a juridical criterion], Stimulator, Vol 7 No 2, 6-9.


Replikk til Borgs foredrag i Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn 9. april 1953 [A reply to Asbjørn Borg], Stimulator, Vol 6 No 4, 15-19.


Samfunnsmodell anvendt i en analyse av hvordan de økonomiske faktorer griper inn i hverandre [An economic model of the society used in an analysis of how  the economic factors interact], Stimulator, Vol 7 No 3, 5-19.

Lecture given at the annual meeting in Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd April 8 1953.


Linear expenditure functions. An expository article, Econometrica, Vol 22, No 4, 505-510.


Some basic principles of price of living measurements. A survey article,

Econometrica, Vol 22, 407-421.


La théorie de l'avantage collectif et les régions de Pareto, Économie Appliquée, Vol 7, 211-280. Translated from the original English text in Memo 1953-08-17, by Georges T. Guilbaud.

Published in English as RF1959c.


Arbeid med metodeproblemer ved økonomisk planlegging i India [Work on problems of method in economic planning in India], Stimulator, Vol 8 No 4, 4-21.

A talk in Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn, Oslo, April 21 1955.


From national accounts to macro-economic decision models, in Gilbert, M. and R. Stone (eds): Income and wealth - Series IV, London, Bowes & Bowes Publishers Ltd., 1-26

Paper presented at the Third Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Castelgandolfo, near Rome, 1-6 September 1953.


Hard thinking and hard work, Stimulator, Vol 9 No 1, 4-6


Litt om å fraråde individuell sparing [Short on advising against individual saving], Stimulator, Oslo, Vol 9 No 6-7, 18-22.


Market price versus factor cost in national income statistics, Sankhyá: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol 15, 1-8.

A rejoinder after a comment by M. Ezekiel in RF1956e.


The mathematical structure of a decision model: The Oslo Sub-Model,Metroeconomica, Vol 7, 111-136.

First presented as a mimeographed appendix to a United Nations memorandum: "Price-Wage-Tax-Subsidy Policies as Instruments in Maintaining Optimal Employment. A memorandum on analytical machinery to be used in discussions on causes of and remedies to unemployment", E/CN.I/Sub.2/13, 18 April 1949.


Speech by Professor Ragnar Frisch, Sankhyá: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol 16, 186-187.

Speech delivered at the Twentythird Anniversary of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, December 12 1954.

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Publisert 4. mars 2011 12:58 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25