Elisabeth Schober

Associate Professor - Department of Social Anthropology
Image of Elisabeth Schober
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Elisabeth Schober is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology. Her research deals with maritime labour and ports, ships and shipbuilding, militarism, and gender.

Research Interests

Thematic: maritime anthropology; globalization; political economy; militarism, imperialism, and gender; labor studies.

Regional: South Korea, the Philippines, Germany.


Elisabeth Schober is an economic anthropologist and globalisation studies scholar with research and teaching interests in maritime work, gender / sexuality, and the anthropology of work. She holds a Magister degree in European Ethnology (2004, Karl-Franzens University, Graz), an MA in Nationalism Studies (2007, Central European University, Budapest) and a PhD in Sociology and Social Anthropology (2011, Central European University). She is part of the editorial collective of Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.

Her first research project explored changing border regimes between Slovenia and Austria and the (re-) construction of memories in the wake of the EU expansion of 2004. She published this work as a monograph ("Hinüberschauen und Wegsehen", Wissenschaftliche Schriftreihe des Pavelhauses, 2006). During her PhD, she conducted 21 months of ethnographic field research in South Korea, where US military bases have become a major source of discontent over the last few decades. A number of entertainment districts next to US-American installations in and near Seoul are at the center of her 2nd monograph (“Base Encounters. The US Armed Forces in South Korea”; Pluto Press, April 2016).

While a postdoctoral fellow at UiO (2012-2016), she was affiliated with Thomas Hylland Eriksen’s ERC-funded research project “Overheating: The Three Crises of Globalisation”. In her contribution to "Overheating", she has explored the economic, environmental, and social challenges emerging from the relocation of manufacturing processes from South Korea to the Philippines. In 2013 / 14, she spent seven months in Subic Bay - a site which was previously home to the largest US naval base overseas and is nowadays a center for the global shipbuilding industry. Major publications resulting from this work are an edited volume (“Identity destabilised. Living in an Overheated World”, co-edited with Thomas Hylland Eriksen) and a special issue of the journal Ethnos on “Economic Growth or Ecologies of Survival?” (also co-edited with T.H. Eriksen).

Schober is currently the Principal Investigator at "(Dis-) Assembling the Life Cycle of Container Ships" - a 3-year research project (2018-2021) funded with NOK 7 992 000 under the FRIPRO-"Young Research Talent"-Scheme of the Norwegian Research Council. Her third monograph (in preparation), building on this recent engagement, will focus on South Korea's shipbuilding industry and its responses to current crises in the maritime world. In 2019, she has also been awarded an ERC-Starting Grant. Her new project, PORTS, which runs from 2020 to 2025, involves an ethnographic exploration of some of the world's most central container ports and the cities they are embedded in.

Teaching and Supervision 

Schober regularly teaches a BA course on kinship and gender. Concerning supervision, she particularly welcomes expressions of interest from BA and MA students with research interests in Asia. She would also like to work more with students interested in global maritime issues, changing labour relations worldwide, and the U.S. presence in the Pacific region.

Tags: Economic anthropology, Labour, Gender, Asia, South Korea, Philippines




Image may contain: Photograph, Cargo pants, Sleeve, Gesture, Font.


Knowledge and Power in an Overheated World


2016. Base Encounters. The US Armed Forces in South Korea. London: Pluto Press.

2016. Identity Destabilised: Living in an overheated world (editor, together with Thomas Hylland Eriksen). London: Pluto Press.

2006. Hinüberschauen und Wegsehen. Bad Radkersburg: Wissenschaftliche Schriftreihe des Pavelhauses (Volume 10).

Journal Articles 

2023. Baumer Escobar, V., Schober, E., Sibilia, E., Poulimenakos, G., & Høyer Leivestad, H. The Crisis of Movement: Making and Remaking Global Supply Chains in Container Ports. Anthropologica, 65(1). https://doi.org/10.18357/anthropologica65120232609

2022. "Past the Canal. An Anthropology of Maritime Passages". (together with Hege Høyer Leivestad, introduction to essay collection). In History and Anthropology

2022. “Container Ships: Life Cycles, Chains of Value, and Labor in Maritime Logistics». (together with Camelia Dewan and Johanna Markkula). In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Pp. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.374

2021. "Politics of Scale: Colossal Containerships and the Crisis in Global Shipping" (together with Hege Høyer Leivestad). in Anthropology Today37:3. Pp. 3-7. 

2021. "Building Ships While Breaking Apart. Container economies and the limits of chaebol capitalism." in Focaal. 89. pp. 12-24. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/focaal/2021/89/fcl890102.xml  

2019. “Riding Unstable Currents: South Korean capital’s migration to the Philippines.” In Rivista degli Studi Orientali.

2019. "Precarity, by comparison: The uncertain transnationalisation of labor politics between Korea and the Philippines". In Dialectical Anthropologyhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10624-018-9537-2

2018. “Working(wo)man’s suicide. South Korea’s ‘Hope-Bus’ Movement and its Repercussions for Labour in the Philippines.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, pp. 134-147. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-9655.12804  

2018. “Economies of Growth or Ecologies of Survival” (Introduction to Special Issue, with Thomas Hylland Eriksen). In Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology.83(3), pp. 415-422. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00141844.2016.1169201          

2018. “Between a Rock and a Stormy Place. Land and Labour in the Philippines.” In Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. 83(3), pp. 473-488. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00141844.2016.1169204 

2017. "Waste and the Superfluous". (Introduction to Special Issue, with Thomas Hylland Eriksen). In Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale. 25(3), pp. 282-287.

2016. "Building a City. Korean Capitalists and Navy Nostalgia in “Overheated” Subic Bay". In History and Anthropology. 25(5), pp. 488- 503. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02757206.2016.1222525

2014. “Itaewon's suspense: masculinities, place-making and the US Armed Forces in a Seoul entertainment district” In Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale, 22:1, pp. 36-51 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1469-8676.12060

2011. “Vil(l)e Encounters. The US Armed Forces in Korea and Entertainment Districts in and near Seoul.” In Korea. Politics, Economy and Society (Korea Yearbook, Vol. 5), pp. 207-232.

Book chapters

2022. “Working the Supply Chain: Towards an Anthropology of Maritime Logistics.” In The Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor.Edited by Sharryn Kasmir and Leslie Gill. London: Routledge.

2018. "Destabilizing the European Austerity Debate via an Asian Detour. Lessons from Labour in Post-Crisis South Korea." In Austerity. The View from Anthropology. Edited by Theodoros Rakopoulos. London: Berghahn Press, pp. 115-129.

2018. “In/determined Labour. Boundary Dislocations around Waste, Value and Work in Subic Bay (Philippines).” In Indeterminacy: Essays on Waste, Value and the Imagination. Edited by Catherine Alexander and Andrew Sanchez. London: Berghahn, pp. 161-180.

2018. “The (Un-)Making of Labour. Capitalist Accelerations and their Human Toll at a South Korean shipyard in the Philippines.” In Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism. Edited by Chris Hann and Jonathan Parry. London: Berghahn Press, pp. 197-217.

2017. “Building a city: Korean capitalists and navy nostalgia in ‘overheated’ Subic Bay.” In An overheated world. An anthropological history of the early twenty-first century. Edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen. London: Routledge.

2016. “Introduction. The Art of Belonging to an Overheated World.” (together with Thomas Hylland Eriksen). In Identity Destabilised: Living in an overheated world. Edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Elisabeth Schober. London: Pluto Press, pp. 1-19.

2016. “Indigenous Endurance amidst Accelerated Change? The U.S. Navy, South Korean Shipbuilders and the Aeta of Subic Bay (Philippines).” In Identity Destabilised: Living in an overheated world. Edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Elisabeth Schober. London: Pluto Press, pp.135-152.

2014. “’The colonized bodies of our women…’ Imaginative and Material Terrains of U.S. Military Entertainment on the Fringes of South Korea.” In Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, Discourses and Symbolic Practices. Edited by Frerks, Georg; Reinhilde König, and Annelou Ypelj, Farnham: Ashgate (“Gender in a global / local world” series).

2007. "Worüber man (nicht) reden kann..." in Grenzen und Differenzen. Zur Macht sozialer und kultureller Grenzziehungen. Edited by Thomas Hengartner and Johannes Moser. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

Non-Refereed Articles

2013. „Internationaler Tag der Migranten. Forderungen der Migrant Trade Union.“ In Korea Forum 1+2/2012, pp. 16-17.

2013. „Zum 1000. Mal – ehemalige „Trostfrauen“ geben nicht auf.“ In Korea Forum 1+2/2012, pp. 113-114.

„2013. „‚Massenentlassungen toeten!‘ Belegschaft des Automobilkonzerns SsangYong kaempft weiter.“ In Korea Forum 1+2/2012, pp. 115.

2013. „Südkoreanischer Twitter-User. Bis zu sieben Jahre Haft drohen wegen Kurzmeldungen ueber Nordkorea.“ Korea Forum 1+2/2012, pp. 119-121.

2012. “Ein Dorf im Belagerungszustand: Gewaltfreier Widerstand gegen U.S.-Militarisierung in Gangjeong, Südkorea“. In iz3w (Juli / August 2012), pp. 18-19.

2012. “Von Camptown in die City. Seoul und das US-Militärkontingent in Südkorea“. In Korea Info Nr. 16 (Januar), pp. 3-14.

2011. “Um die Grenze intakt zu halten… Der Kriegsdienstverweigerer Ahn Jeehwan”. In Koreaforum 1+2 / 2011, pp. 34-37.

2010. „Camptown-Frauen. U.S.-Militarismus, Migration und Prostitution in Südkorea.“ In Koreaforum 1+2 / 2010, pp. 55-58.

2010. „Entmilitarisierte Zone. Reflexionen über den Grenzraum Korea.“ [in German and Slovene] in Signal 2010/11, pp. 247-254.

2009. “Militarizált férfiasság-játék - Itaewon szórakozónegyed, Dél-Korea” [in Hungarian; “Militarized Masculinities at Play – the Itaewon Entertainment District of Seoul, South Korea”]. In anBlokk. 3.

2007. “Über das redet kein Mensch“ – Die Ausgesiedelten aus dem Apaško polje / Abstaller Feld.” in Blätter für Heimatkunde. 81:4, pp. 122-130.

2005. "Scheinbar entgrenzt. Grenz-Erinnerungen anlässlich der EU-Erweiterung 2004 an der südoststeirischen / nordslowenischen Grenze" in Kuckuck 1/ 2005, Jg. 20, pp. 10-16.

2005. "'Man sieht schön hinüber.' Erinnern und Vergessen an der slowenischsteirischen Grenze anlässlich der EU-Erweiterung" [In German and Slovene], in: Signal 2005/06, pp.165-183.

Review Articles and Reviews

2016. "Of dispossessions and reclamations: Anthropology in the time of crisis". (on James G. Carrier and Don Kalb's "Anthropologies of class", and Sharryn Kasmir and August Carbonella's "Blood and fire."). In Focaal.  

2014. „Getting Rid of Ourselves?“ (on Saskia Sassen’s “Expulsions. Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy“). In European Journal of Sociology, 55:3, pp. 413 – 418.

2010. “Subverting the Military Normal” (On The Bases of Empire. Edited by Catherine Lutz, 2009; and The Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual, 2009) in Focaal Nr. 58/2010, pp. 109-114.

2007. "Trafficking - What is that?" (On Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered, edited by Kamala Kempadoo, 2005; and Sex Trafficking by Katherine Farr, 2005) In Focaal Nr. 49/2007, pp. 124-128.

2007. “Comparing Europe’s Neo-Nationalists”. (On Gingrich, Andre and Marcus Banks (eds.). 2006. Neo-Nationalism in Europe & Beyond. Perspectives from Anthropology. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books; and Gingrich, Andre and Richard G. Fox (eds.). 2002. Anthropology, by Comparison. London and New York: Routledge.) In Focaal Nr. 50/2007, pp. 170-173.


  • Schober, Elisabeth; Leivestad, Hege Høyer; Sibilia, Elizabeth Anne; Poulimenakos, Giorgos & Escobar, Vinzenz Baumer (2023). The Crisis of Movement: Making and Remaking Global Supply Chains in Container Ports. Anthropologica. ISSN 0003-5459. 65(1). doi: 10.18357/ANTHROPOLOGICA65120232609. Full text in Research Archive
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2022). Working the supply chain: towards an anthropology of maritime logistics. In Kasmir, Sharryn & Gill, Lesley (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor. Routledge. ISSN 9781003158448.
  • Dewan, Camelia; Schober, Elisabeth & Markkula, Johanna (2022). Container Ships: Life Cycles, Chains of Value, and Labor in Maritime Logistics. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (JASO). ISSN 2040-1876. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.374.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Markkula, Johanna (2022). Container Ships: Life Cycles, Chains of Value, and Labor in Maritime Logistics. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.001.0001/acrefore-9780190854584-e-374.
  • Schober, Elisabeth; Dewan, Camelia & Markkula, Johanna (2022). Life-Cycle of Container Ships: Chains of Value and Labour in Maritime Logistics. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.374.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Leivestad, Hege Høyer (2022). Past the canal: An anthropology of maritime passages. History and Anthropology. ISSN 0275-7206. 33(2), p. 183–187. doi: 10.1080/02757206.2022.2066093. Full text in Research Archive
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Markkula, Johanna (2022). Life-Cycle of Container Ships: Chains of Value and Labour in Maritime Logistics. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.374.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Leivestad, Hege (2021). Politics of scale: Colossal containerships and the crisis in global shipping. Anthropology Today. ISSN 0268-540X. 37(3), p. 3–7. doi: 10.1111/1467-8322.12650.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2021). Building ships while breaking apart. Container Economies and the Limits of Chaebol Capitalism. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. ISSN 0920-1297. 89. doi: 10.3167/fcl.2021.890102. Full text in Research Archive
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2019). Riding unstable currents: South Korean capital's migration to the Philippines. Rivista degli Studi Orientali. ISSN 1724-1863. 93(1-2), p. 263–277. doi: 10.19272/201903804016.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2019). "Precarity, by comparison: The uncertain transnationalisation of labor politics between Korea and the Philippines". Dialectical Anthropology. ISSN 0304-4092. p. 1–16. doi: 10.1007/s10624-018-9537-2.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2018). In/determined Labour. Boundary Dislocations around Waste, Value and Work in Subic Bay (Philippines).” . In Alexander, Katherine & Sanchez, Andrew (Ed.), Indeterminacy: Waste, Value, and the Imagination. Berghahn Books. ISSN 978-1789200096. p. 161–180. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvw04gbz.11.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2018). The (Un-)Making of Labor: Capitalist Accelerations and Their Human Toll at a South Korean Shipyard in the Philippines. In Hann, Chris & Parry, Jonathan (Ed.), Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism: Precarity, Class, and the Neoliberal Subject. Berghahn Books. ISSN 978-1-78533-678-2. p. 197–217. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvw04hxm.13.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2018). (De-)stabilizing the European Austerity Debate via an Asian Detour: Lessons from Labour in Post-Crisis South Korea. In Rakopoulos, Theodoros (Eds.), The Global Life of Austerity:Comparing Beyond Europe. Berghahn Books. ISSN 978-1-78533-870-0. p. 115–129. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvw04cvv.11.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2018). Working (wo)man's suicide: transnational relocations of capital ? repercussions for labour in South Korea and the Philippines. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. ISSN 1359-0987. 24, p. 134–147. doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12804.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2017). Waste and the superfluous: an introduction. Social Anthropology. ISSN 0964-0282. 25(3), p. 282–287. doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12422.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). Of dispossessions and reclamations: Anthropology in the time of crisis. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. ISSN 0920-1297. 2016(76), p. 123–128. doi: 10.3167/fcl.2016.760109.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). Indigenous Endurance amidst Accelerated Change? The US Military, South Korean Shipbuilders and the Aeta of Subic Bay, the Philippines. In Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Ed.), Identity Destabilised. Living in an overheated world.. Pluto Press. ISSN 9780745399126. p. 135–152. doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1gk07wf.12.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). Building a city: Korean capitalists and navy nostalgia in “overheated” Subic Bay. History and Anthropology. ISSN 0275-7206. 27(5), p. 488–503. doi: 10.1080/02757206.2016.1222525.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2016). Economies of Growth or Ecologies of Survival? Ethnos. ISSN 0014-1844. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2016.1169201.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). Between a Rock and a Stormy Place: From Overheating to Expulsion in Subic Bay (Philippines) . Ethnos. ISSN 0014-1844. 83(3), p. 473–488. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2016.1169204.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). 'The Colonized Bodies of Our Women...': Imaginative and Material Terrains of US Military Entertainment on the Fringes of South Korea. In Frerks, Georg; Ypeij, Annelou & Koenig, Reinhild (Ed.), Gender and Conflict. Embodiment, Discourses and Symbolic Practices. Ashgate. ISSN 9781409464853. p. 133–150. doi: 10.4324/9781315583846-7.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). Itaewon's suspense: masculinities, place-making and the US Armed Forces in a Seoul entertainment district. Social Anthropology. ISSN 0964-0282. 22(1), p. 36–51. doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12060.

View all works in Cristin

  • Schober, Elisabeth (2023). 동맹의 풍경: 주한미군이 불러온 파문과 균열에 대한 조감도. 나무연필, Wooden Pencil Press. ISBN 9791187890508. 348 p.
  • Kasmir, Sharryn; Gill, Lesley & Schober, Elisabeth (2022). The Routledge Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor, edited by Sharryn Kasmir and Lesley Gill . Routledge. ISBN 9780367745509. 452 p.
  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Schober, Elisabeth (2017). Knowledge and power in an overheated world. Department of Social Anthropology. ISBN 978-82-7720-200-6. 140 p. Full text in Research Archive
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2016). Identity Destabilised. Living in an overheated world. Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745399126. 260 p.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). Base Encounters. The US Armed Forces in South Korea . Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745336053. 240 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Schober, Elisabeth (2023). “The Moving Crane. Affective infrastructures and their resonances in global shipbuilding”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth; Dewan, Camelia & Markkula, Johanna (2023). “Work and Value within the Life-Cycle of Container Ships”. .
  • Dewan, Camelia & Schober, Elisabeth (2023). Birth, Life, and Death of Containerships. Toward a Global Ethnography of Maritime Labour.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2022). Discussant at "Logistical Transformations" panel, EASA.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2022). Malmö's Tears, Ulsan's Hope. Affective infrastructures and their resonances in global shipbuilding.
  • Leivestad, Hege; Markkula, Johanna & Schober, Elisabeth (2021). Beyond Suez. Escalating Ship Sizes and their Consequences. Focaalblog.
  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Schober, Elisabeth (2017). A brief response. Social Anthropology. ISSN 0964-0282. 25(3), p. 351–352. doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12432.
  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Schober, Elisabeth (2017). Introduction: Knowledge regimes in an overheated world. In Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & Schober, Elisabeth (Ed.), Knowledge and power in an overheated world. Department of Social Anthropology. ISSN 978-82-7720-200-6. p. 7–19.
  • Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2016). Introduction. The art of belonging in an overheated world. In Schober, Elisabeth & Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Ed.), Identity Destabilised. Living in an overheated world.. Pluto Press. ISSN 9780745399126. p. 1–19.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). “Destabilizing the European Austerity Debate. Lessons from Labour in Post-Crisis South Korea”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). “From Violent Imaginaries to Base Encounters. Gender-Based Violence and the Anti-US Base Struggle in South Korea and the Philippines”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). “Of Livelihoods and Dispossession. Economic Overheating and the Squeeze on Land and Water in Subic Bay (Philippines).”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). “Of seismic shifts and the reclaiming of ‘power’. Current Disputes over Fossil Fuel-based Energy Generation and Climate Change in the Philippines”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2016). "Infrastructures of Globalization. Subic Bay (Philippines) and the global shipbuilding industry.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). "The (Un-)Making of Labour. Capitalist Accelerations and Shattered Bodies at a South Korean shipyard in the Philippines.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). “Working(wo)man’s suicide. South Korea’s ‘Hope-Bus’ Movement and its Repercussions for Labour in the Philippines.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). “Infrastructures of Globalization. Labour and Timespace Contradictions at a South Korean Shipyard in the Philippines.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). Making a Living, Making Life Worth Living. Scavengers and Shipbuilders in Subic Bay (Philippines).
  • Gjengedal, Kjerstin & Schober, Elisabeth (2015). Endringane i verda akselererer: Heng du med på karusellen? [Journal]. Apollon.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). On "Everyday Occupations: Experiencing Militarism in South Asia and the Middle East" by Kamala Visweswaran. American Ethnologist. ISSN 0094-0496. 42(2), p. 394–395.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). The Frailty of Power. Three Energy Disputes in Central Luzon, Philippines”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2015). On Samantha Majic’s „Sex Work Politics. From Protest to Service Provision.“. Social Anthropology. ISSN 0964-0282. 23(1), p. 103–104.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). “Indigenous Endurance amidst Accelerated Change? The U.S. Military, South Korean Investors and the Aeta of Subic Bay (Philippines)”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Land and Labor in Subic Bay (Philippines)”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). Kangnam style and the Korean spirit of capitalism: exercising bodies at a South Korean shipyard in Subic Bay (Philippines).
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). From U.S. sailors to global manufacturers: rapid economic growth and its environmental costs in Subic Bay (Philippines).
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2014). Getting Rid of Ourselves? European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. ISSN 2325-4823. 55(3), p. 413–418.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2013). “Lost in Mediation. On situating women's voices from the field within antagonistic debates on sex work and trafficking.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2013). “South Korea’s ‘Hope Bus’-Movement and its Repercussions in the Philippines.”.
  • Schober, Elisabeth (2013). “Our Nation’s Daughter? U.S. Camp Town Spaces as Imaginative and Lived-In Spaces on the Fringes of South Korea”.
  • Pijpers, Robert Jan; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland; Luning, Sabine & Schober, Elisabeth (2018). "Navigating Uncertainty. Large-Scale Mining and Micro-Politics in Sierra Leone.". Faculty of Social Sciences, Oslo.

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Published Apr. 10, 2018 5:35 PM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2024 2:51 PM
