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Here you find an overview of researchers connected to INTRANSIT. If you want more information about INTRANSIT's young researchers and their individual research projects you can meet the young researchers.


Image may contain: social group, team, event, community.


Taran Thune

TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture

Research profile


Vice DirectorImage may contain: hair, face, hairstyle, beauty, chin.

Birthe Soppe

DIG Digitization and Entrepreneurship

Research profile


Aanestad, Margunn

Professor - DIG

Research profile

Andersen, Allan Dahl

Associate professor - TIK Centre

Research profile

Castellacci, Fulvio

Professor - TIK Centre

Research profile

Coenen, Lars

Professor II - TIK, Professor - HVL

Research profile

Fagerberg, Jan

Professor emeritus - TIK Centre

Research profile

Frenken, Koen

Professor - Copernicus Institute

Research profile

Finstad, Jørgen

PhD candidate - TIK Centre

Research profile

Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml

Postdoctoral Fellow - TIK Centre

Research profile

Græslie, Lisa S.

Researcher - SINTEF

Research profile

Hansen, Teis

Senior Research Scientist - SINTEF | Professor - Copenhagen University

Research profile

Hanseth, Ole

Professor - DIG

Research profile

Hansson, Jens

Researcher - SINTEF

Haugjord, Barbro Renland

PhD candidate - DIG

Research Profile

Hydle, Katja Maria

Associate Professor - DIG

Research Profile

Lund, Henrik Brynthe

Researcher - SINTEF

Research Profile

Mäkitie, Tuukka

Researcher - SINTEF

Research profile

Mouthaan, Matthijs

PhD candidate - Copernicus Institute

Research profile

Normann, Håkon Endresen

Postdoctoral Fellow - TIK Centre

Pershina, Raissa

Postdoctoral Fellow - DIG

Research profile

Piscicelli, Laura

Assistan Professor - Corpernicus Institute

Research profile

Schupfer, Hannah

PhD candidate - DIG

Research profile

Steen, Markus

Senior Research Scientist - SINTEF

Research profile

Smith, Benjamin Donald

PhD candidate - TIK

Svendsrud, Daniel Stedjan

PhD candidate - DIG

Research Profile

Truffer, Bernhard

Professor - Corpernicus Institute

Research Profile

Ullern, Eli Fyhn

PhD candidate - SINTEF

Research Profile

Wanzenböck, Iris

Assistant professor - Corpernicus Institute

Research Profile