PhD representatives to the PhD programme board

The following two candidates are the appointed representatives for the PhD candidates to the PhD programme board from  1.7.2024 - 30.6.2026. 

We still need two deputy representatives who can stand in in case Kaja and Anna are unable to meet. If you are interested please contact 

Presentation of the candidates

(In alphabetic order according to surename)



Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, nese, ansikt, smil.Kaja Sparre Bakke, PhD candidate at Department of Political Science

Nominated by: Solveig Bjørkholt


Read Kaja Sparre Bakke's election statement


Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, nese, ansikt, smil.

Anna Harpviken, PhD candidate at National Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) and Department of Psycology

Nominated by: Anna Ivanova, Ella Marie Sandbakken

Read Anna Harpviken's election statement


Questions about the election?

Please contact Aud-Jorunn Sandal 

Publisert 31. mai 2024 09:01 - Sist endret 8. juni 2024 11:06