RECON newsletters

An overview over all RECON newsletters with updates on research findings, publications, events and other news from the project.

RECON Newsletter 1/2012
Topics of this issue:

  • Excellent final expert evaluation of RECON
  • Report from RECON's concluding conference
  • Report from open seminar in Oslo
  • Two specialist websites (EU Democratic Audit and Europeanisation of national constitutions)
  • Recent and forthcoming publications, including five new RECON Reports
  • An overview of resources and where to find RECON's research findings

RECON Newsletter 1/2011
Topics of this issue:

  • Commentaries and policy papers on the financial crisis
  • WP 7 workshop report: The European rescue of the European Union
  • WP 9 workshop report on transnational social justice
  • New book on European constitutional law
  • Recently launched European Union Democratic Audit website
  • Workshop report on alternative forms of representation
  • JEPP special issue on EU agency governance
  • RECON conferences and workshops
  • Three new RECON reports

RECON Newsletter 3/2010
Topics of this issue:

  • New book on European stories 
  • WP 6 workshop report: What kind of democracy for what kind of European Foreign and Security Policy?
  • WP 1 workshop report: The European political order: state-less but democratic and just?
  • Commentary on Europe in the financial crisis
  • Policy paper with ideas on the multilateral surveillance regulation
  • RECON conferences and workshops
  • New RECON report

RECON Newsletter 2/2010
Topics of this issue:

  • The European malaise: comments on the financial crisis 
  • RECON Online Working Paper Series in EBSCO databases
  • Excellent review of RECON
  • New RECON report
  • RECON publications
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 1/2010
Topics of this issue:

  • Highlights from RECON’s midterm conference 
  • Editorial from the scientific coordinators
  • New RECON report
  • RECON publications
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 2/2009
Topics of this issue:

  • Spidla to open RECON’s midterm conference 
  • RECON logs into Euroscepticism
  • New book on the EU’s legitimacy
  • New article on the Multilevel Parliamentary Field
  • New RECON partner in Hamburg
  • RECON publications
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 1/2009
Topics of this issue:

  • Minding the gap - policy memo from WP 4
  • Public intellectuals in Europe
  • New RECON partner in Madrid
  • Special issue on civil society and democracy in Europe
  • RECON publications
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 2/2008
Topics of this issue:

  • New RECON team at LSE
  • RECON publications database launched
  • Cathrine Holst consulted as gender expert
  • Comments on the EU's political economy and on European media
  • Unity amidst variety in the new Europe? RECON/ConstEPS conference
  • Public sphere research in RECON and beyond
  • RECON publications
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 1/2008
Topics of this issue:

  • Selection of new RECON partners
  • Policy memo on Turkey and the EU's political conditionality
  • A gender democracy audit of the European Union
  • Parliamentary control of European Security Policy: Why, who and how?
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 3/2007
Topics of this issue:

  • Call for new partners
  • RECON series joined the ERPA network
  • Launch of new website
  • RECON conferences and workshops

RECON Newsletter 2/2007
Topics of this issue:

  • Launch of RECON Online Working Paper Series
  • RECON conferences and workshops
  • New publications
  • RECON seeks new partners

RECON Newsletter 1/2007
Topics of this issue:

  • RECON is launched
  • RECON kick-off conference
  • CIDEL concluding report
Published July 11, 2022 9:47 AM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2022 11:26 AM