Ragnar Frisch’s Scientific publications

Here you may find Ragnar Frisch’s Scientific publications in chronological order

This bibliographical list of published scientific works is based on Ragnar Frisch: An annotated bibliography by Kåre N. Edvardsen, using the same notation but with some corrections and enhancements.

1920 – 1925

1926 – 1930

1931 – 1935

1936 – 1940

1941 – 1945

1946 – 1950

1951 – 1955

1956 – 1960

1961 – 1965

1966 – 1970

1971 – 1973

1974 – onwards

Publisert 4. mars 2011 11:16 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25