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Annual survey of general economic theory: The problem of index numbers, Econometrica, Vol 4, 1-38. Errata p192 in Vol. 4.

Reissued in Portuguese RF1950e.


Konjunkturregulerende statsinngrep i bankvirksomhet [Countercyclical governmental interventions in banking], Økonomisk Revue, Vol 19, 524-529.


On the notion of equilibrium and disequilibrium, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol 3, No 2, 100-105.


Plan til en Økonomisk strukturoversikt for Norge [Plan for an Economic Structural Survey of Norway], Oslo, Fabritius & Sønners boktrykkeri, 33 pp.


General choice-field theory, pp.64-69, in Report of the Third Annual Research Conference on Economics an Statistics, held by Cowles Commission for Research in Economics 28 June - 23 July 1937, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Abstract for three lectures, given 14, 21 and 22 July 1937. A fourth lecture on choice-field theory, "Price-of-living comparisons between different countries", was given 23 July 1937 and is shortly referred to on p95.


Note on the phase diagram of two variates, Econometrica, Vol 5, 326-328.


Nuovi metodi di misura del l'utilità marginale, in Guiseppe Bottai e Celestino Arena (eds): Economia pura della Nuova Collana di Economisti, Torino, Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 385-512.

Italian translation of RF1932h.


Price index comparisons between structurally different markets, Comptes rendus du Congrès International des Mathématiciens Oslo 1936, Oslo, A. W. Brøggers Boktrykkeri A/S, Vol 2, 220-222.


The double-expenditure method, Econometrica, Vol 6, 85-90.

See Chipman 1998, pp 70-72.


Efterspørselen efter melk i Norge [The demand for milk in Norway], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 52, 1-62.

With Trygve Haavelmo.


Fra førkrigstid til efterkrisetid i sosialøkonomikken [From pre-war time to post-depression time in economics], in Brochmann, Georg (ed): Studentene fra 1913, Oslo, Bokkomiteen for studentene fra 1913, 34-39.


On the inversion of a moving average, Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift, Vol 21, 218-225.

Remarks on Wold, Herman 1938: A study in the analysis of stationary time series, Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell. Frisch was opponent at Wold's dissertation defence in 1938.


Statistical versus theoretical relations in economic macrodynamics

Frisch's ms (41 pp.) (dated 17 July 1938) for his memo to the Business Cycle Conference in Cambridge, July 18th-20th 1938 to discuss Jan Tinbergen's publications of 1938 for the League of Nations. See also Tinbergen's reply.

Frischs memorandum was re-issued at the iInstitute of Economics as (part of) Memorandum 1948-11-06 and as Memorandum 1954-09-10.


The Dupuit taxation theorem, Econometrica, Vol 7, No 2, 145-150.

A comment on Hotelling, Harold 1938: The general welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates, Econometrica, Vol 6, 242-269. An exchange followed : Hotelling (Vol 7, 151-155), RF1939b and Hotelling (Vol 7, 158-160)Chipman 1998 commented on the Frisch-Hotelling debate on pp 74-76.


See RF1939a.


A note on errors in time series, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 53, No 4, 639-640.


Befolkningsoptimum [Optimum population], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 54, 157-219.


Nasjonalregnskapet [The national accounts], in Beretning om det 3. Nordiske statistikermøte [Transactions of the 3rd Nordic meeting of statisticians] I Oslo den 28.og 29 juni 1939, Oslo, Grøndahl & Søns Boktrykkeri, 1940,141-149.


Sosialøkonomiske utsnitt. Originaltekster utgitt med innføringer og forklaringer [Selected economic readings. Classical texts with introductions and explanations], Oslo, H. Aschehoug & co. (W. Nygaard), 234 pp.

With Wilhelm Keilhau.

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Publisert 4. mars 2011 12:48 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25