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Der Einfluss von Veränderungen des Preisniveaus auf den Grenznutzen des Geldes, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol 2, 625-631.


The interrelation between capital production and consumer-taking, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 39, No 5,  646-654.

On the Frisch-Clark debate, see also Clark, J. M. “Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Reply.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 39, no. 6, 1931, pp. 814–816; RF1932a; Clark, J. M. “Capital Production and Consumer-Taking: A Further Word.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 40, no. 5, 1932, pp. 691–693; and RF1932b.

Chipman 1998 gives a discussion of the Frisch-Clark debate on pp 88-90.


Johan Åkerman: Om det ekonomiska livets rytmik [Johan Åkerman: On the rhythm of economic life], Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Vol 34, 281-300.

Review of Johan Åkerman's doctoral dissertation in 1928 based on remarks by Frisch in the capacity of faculty opponent.


Konjunkturbevegelsen som statistisk og som teoretisk problem [The business cycle as a statistical and a theoretical problem], in Förhandlingar vid Nordiska Nationalekonomiska Mötet i Stockholm 15-17 juni 1931, Stockholm, Ivar Häggströms Boktrykkeri och Bokförlag AB, 127-147, with discussion on 147-168. Annex IIIa, 224-227 gives J. Åkerman's summary in Swedish of Frisch's lecture, and Appendix IIIb, 228-234, gives a handout for the lecture.


A method of decomposing an empirical series into its cyclical and progressive components, Journal of the American Statistical Association – March Supplement: Papers and proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting held at Cleveland, Ohio, Vol 2c, no  , 73-78.


Statistical correlation and the theory of cluster types, Journal of the Americal Statistical Association, vol 26, no 176, 375-392.

With Bruce D. Mudgett. A correction published in JASA, vol 27, no 177, 187-187.


See RF1931c


See RF1931c


See RF1931g


Einige Punkte einer Preistheorie mit Boden und Arbeit als Produktionsfaktoren, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol 3, Heft 1, 62-104.


Konjunkturene [The business cycles], in Keilhau, Wilhelm, Ingvar Wedervang, and Ragnar Frisch: Verdensøkonomien i efterkrigstiden The world economy in the post-wartime], Oslo, Universitetets radioforedrag Serie B Nr. 6,  H,. Aschehoug & co (W. Nygaard), 79-139.

A slightly revised version was later published as part of RF1947d.


Méthodes nouvelles pour mesurer l'utilité marginale, Revue d'Économie Politique, Vol 46, 1-28.

With Jacques Moret. The article consists of two parts. Part II (14-28) is Frisch's presentation at the Econometric Society meeting, Lausanne 1931, while part I (1-14) is Jacques Moret's introduction to Frisch's work.


En metode til å beregne lokale trafikkintensiteter [A method of calculating local traffic densities], Nordisk Järnbanetidskrift, Vol 58, 1-16.


New methods of measuring marginal utility, Tübingen, Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 142 pp. 

Reissued as RF1978a and Italian translation RF1937g.


New orientation of economic theory. Economics as an experimental science, Nordic Statistical Journal, Vol 4, 97-111.

Translated from Nyorientering av den økonomiske teori. Økonomikken som eksperimentalvitenskap [New orientation of economic theory. Economics as an experimental science], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 46, 1-15, inagural lecture delivered at the University of Oslo 8 February 1932, also published in Nordisk Statistisk Tidskrift , Vol 11, 97-111. 


On the use of difference equations in the study of frequency distributions, Metron, Vol 10 No 3, 35-59.


Depresjonens problem [The problem of the depression], Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 47, 95-100.

Rejoinder to Åkerman 1933 (Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 47, 54-76).


Editorial, Econometrica, Vol 1, No 1, 1-4.

Editorial in the first issue of Econometrica.


Monopole - Polypole - La notion de force dans l'économie, Tillægshefte til Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Vol 71, 241-259 (Festschrift at the eightieth anniversary of Harald Westergaard). 

Reissued in English as RF1951c. In German as RF1965b and RF1968b.


Partial time regressions as compared with individual trends, Econometrica, Vol 1, No 3, 387-401.

With Frederick V. Waugh. Reissued as RF1970d and RF1984a. The Frisch-Waugh theorem was later applied by Lovell, Michael C. 1963: Seasonal adjustment of economic time series and multiple regression analysis, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol 58, 993-1010, and discussed in Davidson, Russel and James G. MacKinnon 1993: Estimation and Inference in Econometrics, New York, Oxford University Press, pp 19-24, and in Chipman 1998 pp 84-86.


Pitfalls in the statistical construction of demand and supply curves, in Veröffentlichungen der Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Konjunkturforschung, Neue Folge Heft 5, Leipzig, Hans Buske Verlag, 1-39.

A critical review of an article by Wassily Leontief in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv was followed by an exchange in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in 1934: Leontief, Wassily W. "Pitfalls in the Construction of Demand and Supply Curves: A Reply.The Quarterly Journal of Economics 48, no. 2 (1934): 355-61; RF1934c (also published as RF1994b); Leontief, Wassily. "More Pitfalls in Demand and Supply Curve Analysis: A Final Word." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 48, no. 4 (1934): 755-59. and Marschak, J. "More Pitfalls in Demand and Supply Curve Analysis: Some Comments." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 48, no. 4 (1934): 759-66. . 

An account of the "Pitfalls debate" is given in Chipman 1998: 78-84.


Propagation problems and impulse problems in dynamic economics, in Economic essays in honour of Gustav Cassel, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 171-205.

Also issued as Publication no. 3, from the Institute of Economics 33pp.Reissued as RF1966i.


Sparing og cirkulasjonsregulering [Saving and circulation regulation], Oslo, Fabritius og Sønners Forlag, 37 pp.

Reissued in English as RF2007a. See also Bjerkholt & Qvigstad (2007).


Problèmes et méthodes de l’économétrie, Huit conférences présentées à l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Université de Paris, mars-avril 1933

Eight lectures given (in French) at the Institute Henri Poincaré, University of Paris March-April 1933.

Introduction : Introduction.

Lecture 1: Fondements philosophiques de l’économetrie. La méthode axiomatique de utilité en tant que quantite.

Lecture 2: Exemples des théories économiques statiques et semistatiques. Monopole, polypole. La notion de force.

Lecture 3: Qu-est-ce qu’une théorie « dynamique » ? Propriétés des systèmes déterminés et indéterminés.

Lecture 4: Exemples de théories économétriques dynamiques. Oscillations des systèmes c los. La théorie des crises.

Lecture 5: La création des cycles par des chocs aléatoires. Synthèse entre le point de vue probabiliste et le point de vue des lois dynamiques déterminées.

Lecture 6: La construction statistique des fonctions économétriques. Equations autonomes et equations confluentes. Le danger des analyses à plusieurs variables.

Lecture 7: La technique des séries temporelles. Décomposition des series. Opérations linéaires et leur problèmes d’inversion.

Lecture 8: Conclusion : La signification des lois sociales et mécaniques. Invariance et rigidité. Remarques sur une philosophie du chaos.

Translated and published as RF2009a


Circulation planning: Proposal for a national organisation of a commodity and service exchange, Econometrica, Vol 2 No 3, 258-336, and Circulation Planning: Part III. Mathematical appendix, Econometrica, Vol 2 No 4, 422-435.

See Chipman 1998 (pp 95-97). Frisch applied ideas from Circulation planning to the problem of the balance of the international economy, RF1947e, RF1948c and RF1963d.


See RF1930c


Robert Schmidt's definition of skewness and kurtosis, Econometrica, Vol 2, No 2, 221-223.


Statistical confluence analysis by means of complete regression systems, Publication no. 5 from the Institute of Economics.


The characteristic solutions of a mixed difference and differential equation occurring in economic dynamics, Econometrica, Vol 3, 225-239

With Harald Holme. The equation in question arose in RF1933i.


The meaning of money, in Riegel, E. C.: Irving Fisher's world authorities on the meaning of money, New York, Empire Books.


Open market operations og deres virkninger på banksystemet [Open market operations and their effects on the banking system], in: Bilag 4 til [Appendix 4 to] Innstilling om markedsoperasjoner fra komiteen til utredning av økonomiske og pengepolitiske spørsmål [Proposal on open market operations from the Monetary Committee], Oslo, Finans- og Tolldepartementet, 43-60


The principle of substitution. An example of its application in the chocolate industry, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Teknisk Økonomi, Vol 1, 12-27

The contribution is the first example of an engineering production function.

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Publisert 4. mars 2011 11:25 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25